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Graduation at Big 3
Does anyone know what the graduation ceremonies are like at each of the big 3?
I'll be attending mine at Excelsior College on July 11. I hadn't planned to go, but it turns out my dad was going to be in Albany that weekend anyway, so I decided to do it. From the materials I have looked at, it seems like it'll be a simple two-hour ceremony with a couple of speakers, some awards being presented, the procession, and then a reception afterward. Actually, the two-hour ceremony becomes almost a four-hour commitment for the graduate, as I'll need to check in a couple hours earlier.

are there any fees associated with graduation???...cap and gown...etc...
Excelsior BS - General Business - 2008
Jacksonville State University - MBA - 2010(Done)

121 credits...ALL DONE BABY!!!

54 credits transferred in from prior college
54 credits by examination
6 credits from community college
3 credits from CSU-Pueblo (Operations Management)
4 credits for Information Literacy and Business Strategy from Excelsior

Principles of Macroeconomics (64)
Principles of Microeconomics (61)
Principles of Marketing (66)
Principles of Management (72)
Info Systems and Comp Applications (57)
Introductory Business Law (65)
Social Sciences & History (61)
Principles of Supervision (58)
Principles of Statistics (67)
Introduction to Computing (60)
Principles of Financial Accounting (56)
Principles of Finance (55)
Money and Banking (52)
Ethics in America (66)
Management Information Systems (58)
Ethics: Theory and Practice (B)
Organizational Behavior ©

GMAT: 600
barbeque22 Wrote:Does anyone know what the graduation ceremonies are like at each of the big 3?

You can view previous commencements for EC:
The TESC Commencement Ceremony is 2 -3 hours long in the Trenton War Memorial and is basically the same as any other college commencement with the exception that when you go up on stage, you announce your own name, rather than having it announced for you. With so many difficult names out there, this makes a lot of sense and saves a lot of embarrassment.

There are honorary degrees awarded, a keynote speaker and a student speaker, as well as speeches by President Pruitt and, I believe the President of the Alumni Association or perhaps the Board of Trustees.

My son graduated from a B & M school in May and I have been to a number of other college commencements. I really didn't see anything too much different other than the fact that because it's a crowd of mostly adults older than their early 20s, there were no beach balls thrown around!

After the ceremony, a photo is taken of the entire group of graduates (optional formal photos of each graduate are available before the ceremony) and there is an optional reception later that day.

The cost for the cap and gown is included in your $225 Graduation fee.

I walked when I received my ASM and was so impressed that I will walk again in October for my BSBA.
[SIZE="1"]English Comp 101 & 102 - Analysis & Interpretation of Literature 130 & 131 - Intro to Marketing[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Marketing Comm - PR Thought & Practice - Intro to News Reporting - Sales Management - Operations Management - Marketing Research - Business in Society[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to Computers[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]12 FREE Credits![/SIZE]
Associate of Science in Management, TESC - 9/17/04
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, TESC - 6/6/08

Cap and gown at Excelsior is $50.

barbeque22 Wrote:Does anyone know what the graduation ceremonies are like at each of the big 3?

I just went to my graduation ceremony at COSC a couple of weeks ago. The ceremony lasted about two hours. It's almost exactly the same as a graduation from a B&M school, except there are more references to adult learners/distance learning during the speeches.

They have a photographer that takes your picture as you walk across the stage and get your diploma, and you can order the print a few days after the ceremony.

At my ceremony, there were very few mispronunciations of names because you hand the reader a card with your name on it, and if it's difficult, you write the name out phonetically.

Afterward, the college set out tents with snacks and drinks. It was nice to have a chance to see staff, faculty members, and fellow students in person. I had a great time before and after the ceremony chatting with and bonding with the other graduates.

Aside from the graduation fee, I believe the cost of the cap and gown was about $25.00, and you get to keep it afterward.

I'm so glad I went to the graduation. It was such an amazing feeling. I'm still enjoying the "high" from it!
Charter Oak State College [COLOR="Red"]GRADUATE (I can finally say that as of 05/31/08)!!
Concentration - Psychology[/COLOR]

Tests Completed:
[COLOR="Navy"] CLEP: Introductory Sociology - 65
DSST: Drug and Alcohol Abuse - 61
Here's to Your, Health - 66
Fundamentals of Counseling - 67
Charter Oak Tests: Infant and Toddler Development
Child Developmental Psychology
Introduction to Early Childhood Education (all passed, worth 3 credits each)
Psychology GRE: 62nd percentile, 18 credits[/COLOR]
gcalvin Wrote:Cap and gown at Excelsior is $50.


So let me get this straight...they charge $495 to print up your degree and then $50 for a big black cloak and a cardboard hat???...c'mon EC
Excelsior BS - General Business - 2008
Jacksonville State University - MBA - 2010(Done)

121 credits...ALL DONE BABY!!!

54 credits transferred in from prior college
54 credits by examination
6 credits from community college
3 credits from CSU-Pueblo (Operations Management)
4 credits for Information Literacy and Business Strategy from Excelsior

Principles of Macroeconomics (64)
Principles of Microeconomics (61)
Principles of Marketing (66)
Principles of Management (72)
Info Systems and Comp Applications (57)
Introductory Business Law (65)
Social Sciences & History (61)
Principles of Supervision (58)
Principles of Statistics (67)
Introduction to Computing (60)
Principles of Financial Accounting (56)
Principles of Finance (55)
Money and Banking (52)
Ethics in America (66)
Management Information Systems (58)
Ethics: Theory and Practice (B)
Organizational Behavior ©

GMAT: 600
bmills072200 Wrote:So let me get this straight...they charge $495 to print up your degree and then $50 for a big black cloak and a cardboard hat???...c'mon EC
Stay focused on the big picture, and Excelsior College is hardly an expensive school. I don't begrudge them their little exorbitances. Smile

bmills072200 Wrote:So let me get this straight...they charge $495 to print up your degree and then $50 for a big black cloak and a cardboard hat???...c'mon EC
c'mon is right, graduation fee is outrageous. you would think at least that the graduation fee would cover the essentials to participate in the graduation ceremony.
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009

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