Hi World!
It's been a long while since I've posted, but I'm back! Actually, I'm posting today for a friend who recently enrolled in WGU (based off of my recommendation which was based off the information found here on degreeforum). The goal for my friend is to complete a Bachelor's degree as soon as possible (I'm sure many here understand!!). Specifically, they have settled on the Business Management degree because of their life experience and general hope that it might be the quickest. What they are looking to find is maybe a breakdown of harder/easier and slower/faster courses. Additionally, maybe someone has a successfull course path to take like X101 then X204 then...
The assumption is that they will need to complete MOST of the courses through WGU. I know that there are other ways to get the credit outside and transfer in (before joining WGU), BUT this simply isn't the best plan for them (for a number of reasons). It's better for them to complete the courses in-house.
Why am I asking instead of sending them here? Honestly, it is because the idea and steps toward beginning their degree is overwhelming for them. I'm trying to bring them along with baby steps. I've already suggested coming here for insight and it's just a little too much at the moment. I'm sure that once they have two or three classes under their belt, they will jump in with the rest of us.
Anyway, ANY insight that you might be able to provide in reference to the BS in Business Management degree from WGU would be greatly appreciated.
Hey all, I'm new here but have been lurking for a bit. I had some difficult times with WGU, even signing up, and the process of getting transcripts and whatnot. I was supposed to start 3 months ago, but that hasn't worked out for me (long story). I have seen a lot of complaints about their proctored exams. I've watched YouTube videos and taken extra courses on Sophia specific to what I wanted to do and everything (sighs). I was just wondering if there are any schools that offer the certs as part of a degree plan like WGU? I know SNHU does not but do they offer vouchers? I am sure this may be asked a lot, but I can't seem to find too much. I am getting back to school after over 7 years so I want to make the right choice. So far, I have my eye on SNHU (the only downside is that it doesn't include certifications). Do you have any suggestions?
Cost is also something for me. I was approved the full amount of the Pell Grant, so breaking down per term, I owed maybe 337$ it would've been. So I'm also keeping that in mind. I know that SNHU is a bit more.
I am currently a full-time truck driver, looking to switch career paths. a year ago, originally, I was looking into cyber security. But I saw how broad that was after my research; with WGU, I was looking at the Network Engineering and Security program (I just wanted a foundation on how networking worked and eventually get my certs in the cloud and whatnot) but was frustrated with them. Most of the stuff I find online is either computer science or information technology. (Any recommendations on that as well?)
I would love any feedback on these professors and courses. I did heavily research them before choosing them. But any advice, suggestions or comments are welcome. The first week of the term corresponds with my Spring Break so I will be dedicating 7 days working as much as humanly possible to completing these courses. If all goes as planned, I will be a high school teacher in the fall!
Thanks everyone for your help thus far. This forum has been so amazing!
I'm hoping to keep costs low while finishing my BA in Computer Science. How difficult is it to complete 15 credits in one term to waive the residency fee? I'm assuming the Capstone will be demanding, but Information Literacy should be easy. Since I’ve completed all my general education, most of the easy classes are already done which may make things more difficult. Any suggestions on which other three courses would make 15 credits manageable and efficient?
I have 100+ credits from Sophia, but most aren't relevant to my Computer Science degree at TESU. It does cover my General Education though.
If I earn more relevant ACE credits, can I choose which 90 ACE credits count towards my degree?
Will TESU allow me to transfer additional ACE credits after my Sophia ones are in, and can I exclude the irrelevant ACE credits? I have 25 RA credits for electives and hope to only take 2 courses at TESU.
Has anyone experienced this, and can you confirm how it works?
I've posted on this forum a time or two years ago, but wasn't truly dedicated or focused enough to follow through. I've been working since graduating high school, and I've managed to do pretty well for myself even without the degree, but it's always something I've wanted. I have the time, energy, and hunger to accomplish this once and for all. I'm highly motivated, just looking for friendly advice and a guiding hand perhaps. I've read quite a few threads about the different options for schools and majors but I'm kind of lost in the sauce. I need clear advice for-dummies type of advice. With the credits I have now, what is the fastest way for me to get a bachelors degree? Which school do you think has the best options for someone like me?
It's finally time to get this monkey off my back!
I really appreciate any help/advice!
Your Location: Ohio, USA
Your Age: 28
What kind of degree do you want?: In truth, I don't care what sort of degree I get, the fastest and cheapest option is ideal. Though I will say I'm not great with math and sciences so any coursework with the least of those as possible would be great, but not a deal breaker.
Current Regional Accredited Credits: TheOhio State University Autum 2014 & Spring 2015
Intro To African Lit (3)
Intro Humanties (3)
EXP 101 (1)
Women & Film (3)
Weather & Climate (4)
Sports for the Spectator (2)
16 Total Credit Hours from OSU
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:
Sophia Learning
Intro to Psychology
Intro to Information Technology
English Composition 1
Any certifications or military experience?: Infant & Toddler Child Development Associate Credential (CDA)
Budget: 8k MAX but the less the better
Commitments: Full Time Job 50 HRS Per Week, No Kids
In the book Politics for Dummies, I believe there is one page that discusses doing things people actually want if you want them to like you and vote for you.
Hi all, I am wondering if I transfer my study.com credits to WGU, Thomas Edison or etc. If I didn't take classes would it be on my transcript from the new school? Or is the One Credit from Tesu or Excelsior my main options? * I already have a degree and would not want to get another.
Thank you
I was ordering a diploma frame today on Etsy. Someone got a degree from the University of Management and Technology in Arlington, VA, a for-profit DEAC-nationally accredited university. I found a few programs they offer: a DBA program and Master's degrees in Business administration, health administration, public administration, management, computer science, criminal justice, information technology, homeland security, and engineering management. https://www.umtweb.edu/AcademicPrograms.aspx
I found the Master of Science in Engineering Management fascinating as it is not a typical program. It requires 36 credits, and they accept up to 18 transfer credits. https://www.umtweb.edu/Program4.aspx?key=msem
I know the school is nationally accredited, and there may be comparable regionally accredited schools, but this might work for some people. I just thought I'd post it here in case anyone was interested. I also posted a picture of the degree, which is not bad-looking.