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Information TESU Associate Degrees Transfer Credit Rules
Posted by: Ares - 03-09-2025, 07:19 PM - Forum: TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion - No Replies

TESU Associate Degrees Transfer Credit Rules as of 2025:

  • Minimum of 15 credits from regionally accredited (RA) colleges or universities.
  • Maximum of 45 credits from NCCRS and ACE (e.g. Sophia) approved courses.
  • Maximum of 15 credits from graduate courses.
  • Maximum of 54-57 total transfer credits;
    • The 3 credit course, "SOS-1100 Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today" must be taken at TESU for all associate degrees.
    • The 3 credit course, "APS-2950 Associate Capstone" must be taken at TESU if included in the degree program. (Some TESU associate degrees do not have a capstone)
  • Minimum C grade for English composition courses and all area of study (AOS) courses.
  • Minimum D grade on all other transferred courses. Courses marked D-, F, U, W or I are not accepted. (Only grades earned at TESU will count towards your GPA)
  • Duplicate transfer credits will only be applied to degree requirements once.
  • TESU reserves the right to determine the appropriate equivalency and application to a degree program for any course.

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  Feedback on potential plan
Posted by: xBless - 03-09-2025, 06:10 PM - Forum: Graduate School Discussion - Replies (8)

Hi, [Image: heart.png]

Your Location: FL
Your Age: 28
What kind of degree do you want?: PhD Psychology
Current Regional Accredited Credits: 75
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: 18
Any certifications or military experience?: 0
Budget: Willing to go in debt.
Commitments: I have a lady and family to consider, but I've given them so much positive equity in relational love that they can take a hit.
Dedicated time to study: 60hr/week is probably my burnout.
Timeline: Dec 1. is PhD early app deadline. This year or next year. (If MA needed for app improvement) Maybe I slide in with a strong personal statement.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: Pell, I have no income currently.

[For the BA Psych] I posted last September where I was given great advice and attended UMPI--thank you again, it's been an excellent fit and experience. Most of the information above is the same as it was then. I'll need another 5 courses at UMPI and 4 that I'm testing out of. This is already nearly completely set in stone with no feedback needed.

I can see the completion of the BA, and it looks like that'll happen sometime this summer. As I mentioned in September, I have attempted applications with PhD programs based on a strong personal statement (and minimal supporting evidence), but it's unlikely to be strong enough. With that, I've been considering what to do until Fall 2026 (given I'm unlikely to get in Fall 2025). This leaves me with just about 12-14months.

I'm still aiming at the PhD and considering how I can transfer a master's over. I've looked at some schools offering APA accredited PhD programs and their transfer requirements. I've been considering UWA MS Experimental Psychology (with the master's thesis) as a stepping stone into a PhD program in Clinical Psychology or something similar. I've compared UWA's curriculum to UF and it seems like a good match. I haven't seen many options for completing a masters + master's thesis with similar curriculum in this time frame, but I was wondering if I'm overlooking something (like with UMPI).

I've been doing my thing since that last post and I hope you guys have been, too. I had two years left at the beginning of this and it looks like I'll have it done in about 10 months with a 4.0. It was more than I could have hoped for going in--I was debating prioritizing a masters or a 4.0, but it looks like I can have it all. I certainly wouldn't be in a position this well had I not learned so much from this forum and had I not had some guidance. I'm very grateful. I've consistently been at burnout throughout these months, but at the same time I think I can maintain this pace for a bit longer.

Financials are of concern [UWA will likely be ~15-20k] and I could work over the next year instead, but I would expect that it would actually be more economical to potentially cut ~2years from the PhD program. All thoughts are appreciated. Bless.

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  Degree Questions
Posted by: Bubblywater - 03-09-2025, 05:21 PM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (7)

Good Afternoon, I read a bunch of content and I guess I want validation/verification before I start on my journey in some aspect or another. 

First thing first....

Your Location: North Carolina
Your Age:35
What kind of degree do you want?: Not leaning one way or another, I was looking at liberal arts/studies with a minor in project management
Current Regional Accredited Credits: I have some Gen Ed credits, and criminal justice from a long time ago. But for the ease of life lets say 0
Budget: 35 year old, i've done well in my life. So not stressed about money
Commitments: I travel for work acting as a Project Manager. I do plan review, but have a lot of down time in hotels
Dedicated time to study: I would say 4-5 hours a day, weekends all day. No kids.
Timeline: Honestly no Timeline, but i'm a big pusher just to get things over with. I don't procrastinate till i'm almost done with something lol.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: I haven't looked in to it. 

Little more about myself, I was a Property Manager for 5 years, Project Manager for 10, then currently I have a odd role that I work under a architect and engineer doing plan review and acting as project manager. I prefer to follow a guide. I dont mind writing and or test taking. ( Does anyone else have any other guides that have ran across that they like? I was thinking UMPI and or WGU? Other schools work for me too) I honestly have never liked school, so I'm honestly just looking for a piece of paper. I'm sick of being asked do I have a degree and saying no....people who have seen my work are impressed but it's always that little bird in the back of my head chirping going you suck lol. So any advice and or assistance would be amazing. I'm sure you guys get a lot of request asking for guides but I did look around and if you have any that stand our thats perfectly fine. For myself i'm just wanting the paper nothing more. 

Thank you again Smile

I've looked around at a few websites, like plottedpath. But I honestly rather stay with Sophia and study before I move to a university. I was looking at the info below. Inculding but other items as well:


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Information TESU Associate Degrees without a Capstone
Posted by: Ares - 03-09-2025, 04:56 PM - Forum: TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion - Replies (11)

The DF Wiki lists some of these that are the easiest to obtain with a Bachelor's degree.

Here is the complete list of TESU Associate Degrees with no Capstone course as of 2025;

Associate in Arts (A.A.)
Associate in Arts (A.A.) in Communications
Associate in Arts (A.A.) in Music
Associate in Arts (A.A.) in Meteorology (9 transfer credits of Meteorology courses required)
Associate in Arts (A.A.) in Photography  (12 transfer credits of Photography courses required)
Associate in Arts (A.A.) in Human Services (15+ transfer credits of Human Services courses may be required)
Associate in Science (A.S.) in Business Administration
Associate in Science (A.S.) in Criminal Justice
Associate in Science (A.S.) in Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Associate in Science (A.S.) in Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Biology
Associate in Science (A.S.) in Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Computer Science
Associate in Science (A.S.) in Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Mathematics

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Shocked [FULL FIGHT] Men's Pillow Fight Championship: Most Peaceful Fight Ever (WARNING)
Posted by: LevelUP - 03-09-2025, 02:54 PM - Forum: Off Topic - No Replies

[FULL FIGHT] Men's Pillow Fight Championship: Most Peaceful Fight Ever (WARNING)


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Lightbulb Using Health Science degree for nursing prereqs?
Posted by: runningdegree - 03-09-2025, 01:54 PM - Forum: UoPeople - University of the People Discussion - Replies (2)

I am considering becoming an RN. I will likely enroll in a local community college.

Now that UofPeople is RA, is anyone considering using the Health Science degree as a cheap way of knocking out a bunch of science credits? Obviously I would have to check with the college to see if the credits would transfer.

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  46, Quickest way to check box for promotion
Posted by: cshrop23@gmail.com - 03-09-2025, 12:42 PM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (9)

Your Location:  South Carolina
Your Age:  46
What kind of degree do you want?:  Bachelor’s (quickest is the must important but my career is Business, Finance, HR, PMP) 
Current Regional Accredited Credits:  16
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:  0
Any certifications or military experience?:  0
Budget:  $10,000, Easy & Fast is most important
Commitments:  60 hr work week + work travel so most would be done on weekends
Dedicated time to study:  All day Saturday & Sunday
Timeline:  Less than 1 year, I’ve been offered a promotion at work that requires a Bachelor’s Degree and they will only hold the position for so long.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement:  None

I would like to test out of everything possible. Tests are fine but would prefer to avoid writing papers as much as possible. Is it quicker to do some courses thru Sophia first and if so which ones will transfer? I’ve been looking at TESU, Excelsior, Charter Oak State & WGU. Thanks so much!

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  Managerial MAcc
Posted by: Bm1992 - 03-09-2025, 11:48 AM - Forum: WGU - Western Governors University Discussion - Replies (1)

Which classes allow you to bring in a formula sheet for the math?

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  Follow up for BAS diplomas
Posted by: Hackingat40 - 03-09-2025, 10:04 AM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (4)

Hey everyone! Has anyone received a recent BAS diploma? Umpi says all minors are listed on diploma up to 3 but parchment is saying no minors are listed on diploma’s but only on transcript’s. Curious which one is accurate as myself abd others on discord are curious

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Question Sophia's Anatomy and Physiology I and II with or without Lab?
Posted by: Ares - 03-09-2025, 03:12 AM - Forum: TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion - Replies (2)

The DF wiki shows Sophia's Anatomy and Physiology I and II transferring to TESU without the lab as "BIO-2110 Anatomy and Physiology I w/out Lab" and "BIO-2132 Anatomy and Physiology II w/out Lab".

But now TESU only shows "BIO-2110 Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab" and "BIO-2120 Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab" on their course list.

I searched their website and found "BIO-2100" listed on a different page but not on their course list.

Does anyone know if the lab is required or not for these Sophia courses at TESU?

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