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Two Bachelor's Degrees Planning Advice |
Posted by: shiningnightsky - 12-05-2024, 11:41 PM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice
- Replies (7)
I'm not sure if there's a new member thread to post in, but hello! I've been lurking around this site for the past year and I wanted to finally dive in. I hope with this post I can also help someone like me looking for a sign to keep pushing and get that degree. :)
Your Location: Louisiana, United States
Your Age: 24
What kind of degree do you want?: Bachelors in Communications & Bachelors in Computer Science
Current Regional Accredited Credits:
University of New Orleans (35 Credits)
FIAR 1*** Drawing 1
MATH 1*** Survey Math Thought (Supplemental Math)
MATH 1*** Survey Math Thought (Supplemental Math)
USTY 1001 University Studies
BIOL 1001 General Biology 1
FIAR 1*** Digital Design
FIAR 1551 Basic Design
MATH 1*** Survey Math Thought (Supplemental Math 2)
MATH 1*** Survey Math Thought (Supplemental Math 2)
ENGL 1001 English Composition
FIAR 2440 Hist Survey of Arts
BIOL 1002 General Biology 2
ECON 1*** Financial Literacy
PHIL 2020 Ethics
Delgado Community College (9 Credits)
SOCL 2501 Curr Social Prob
GEOL 1001 Gen Geol: Physical
MUSI 1751 Music Appreciation 1
Louisiana State University at Alexandria (15? Credits)
CMST 2010 Interpersonal Communication
ENGL 1002 English Compostn 2
SOCL 2001 Intro Sociology
CMST 1061 Communication Fund
(Note: Majority of my credits from UNO did not transfer between the other schools, even though I was told they met the same qualifications. Don't know what that means or if that will affect my degree plan.)
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:
Any certifications or military experience?:
Budget: 10 to 15k is my starting estimate, but cheaper is better! Less than 10k would be amazing...
Commitments: Just a full-time job during the week, and a part-time gig on the weekends.
Dedicated time to study: Realistically about 5 hours a day after work, and ~8 on the weekends.
Timeline: I'd ideally like to be done in less than a year for the first one, and no more than 2 years for the second.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement:
I've already began putting together a plan for my possible Communication Studies degree @ TESU, but I'm running into trouble with filling in the missing core class sources. I enjoy my current school and the program I'm in, but financially (and mentally) I need a degree sooner than later. If I can transfer my credits back to the school to finish my CompSci degree, then I'd consider going back at a later time just to check it off, but if it isn't worth it, then I'll get my 2nd degree at TESU or another school. I would like the path to be open to getting a Master's degree as well later in life, preferably in Computer Science.
I also don't know if I'm able to "start over" in a sense? My grades were barely passing at some point, so if I need to gain credits from scratch, I'm in a much better place to reasonably to so. Thank you all so so much in advance :)
YourPace Commencement Question |
Posted by: C2Hype - 12-05-2024, 08:59 PM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion
- Replies (14)
Hey guys! I am beginning my first session on Spring 1, I only have my 30 residency credits to do. I plan on finishing in 1 term but I may need to finish in 2 terms (Spring II).
My question would be what is the deadline to sign up for commencement? It is huge for me to be able to walk at the physical UMPI campus. If I don’t finish my final class until midway into Spring II, would that be too late to walk on May 5th?
Credit Hour Residency Waiver Fee |
Posted by: sirnicksalot - 12-05-2024, 01:39 PM - Forum: TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion
- Replies (2)
My apologies if this was covered somewhere already, but in regards to the credit hour residency waiver, I'll likely need less than 8 classes for my degree (and the waiver) thanks to transfer credits. I was wondering if I were to take a TECEP for something that isn't required for my degree or is already met thanks to a transfer class, would that count toward the 8 or am I just destined to pay the fee?
The Literal "Big 3" - WGU, ASU and SNHU |
Posted by: Ares - 12-04-2024, 08:25 PM - Forum: General "Big 3", B&M colleges, and other colleges
- Replies (16)
Highest Enrollment Numbers:
- 183,000 - WGU (Western Governors University)
- 181,000 - ASU (Arizona State University)
- 173,000 - SNHU (Southern New Hampshire University)
Still not anywhere near University of Phoenix's enrollment record of 470,800 but these are climbing. The downside is, the bigger these schools get the lower the quality of academic advisors you are likely to have and the easier it is to slip through the cracks. Out of these, WGU has a CBE program and the lowest cost of the 3, ASU has the most well known name while SNHU just has the best marketing?
Okay to start Python 101 |
Posted by: 25BangBang - 12-04-2024, 02:00 PM - Forum: TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion
- Replies (7)
I recently completed my Sophia Calculus course. I have about 3 weeks left on my account and would like to use the rest of the time to complete "Intro to Python Programming" to satisfy my TESU BA CS Intro Programming requirement. On the Wiki, they recommend clearing with an academic advisor before you transfer it. I can't meet with an academic counselor until Dec 10th (6 days from now) which cuts into my valuable subscription at Sophia.
Is it okay to start Intro to Python Programming at Sophia before getting cleared by a TESU counselor? I would prefer to not pay another $99 to Sophia and knock out both courses in one month.
Thank you in advance for the advice.
EDIT: I was reading this thread: https://www.degreeforum.net/mybb/Thread-...rogramming
It seems LevelUp and others recommend SDC instead of Sophia because of the layover with Data Structures. If that's true, then I may just start SDC and leave Sophia at Calculus. What are your all thoughts on this?
All I need to Comp Sci core at TESU and 6 UL electives to graduate. Getting familiar with SDC may make more sense.
Which School For 16 Year Old |
Posted by: AirborneAgent - 12-04-2024, 12:03 AM - Forum: General "Big 3", B&M colleges, and other colleges
- Replies (7)
Your Location: USA
Your Age: 16
What kind of degree?: Associates or bachelors.
Budget: Average in state university tuition rates.
Commitments: Household chores.
Dedicated time to study: Unlimited.
Timeline: January.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: Pell Grant.
Goal?: Obtain a bachelor or associate degree.
Credits / Other: None.
Any certifications or military experience? None.
Sophia Learning Credits: None
My son is 16 and graduating from high school this month. I am looking for recommendations for schools and programs in which he can obtain a bachelor or associates degree over the next year or so. Sophia, SDC, SL, and Coursera are all on his radar for as many credits as he can knock out there.
I know many schools have minimum age limits, so I’m not quite sure where to start. He’s thinking business or a basic cloud computing or IT program for undergrad while he figures out what he want to pursue for a career.
He lives in Florida, I live in Georgia, he has a grandparent in New Hampshire, and an aunt in DC. He’s welcome to live with any of us for school or attend an online program.
Is it worth it to sign up to study.com for only 1 course? |
Posted by: nicecoolego - 12-03-2024, 03:38 PM - Forum: Saylor.org, Straighterline, Study.com, OnlineDegree.com, Sophia.Org Discussion
- Replies (6)
I currently attend UMPI and decided to do a double minor with a minor in project management because I would only need to take 1 extra class, BUS 240. I saw that by taking study.com's Business 304: Leading Organizational Change I could transfer it in to umpi between terms to save time and boost my chances of finishing all my classes in the spring 1 term. The only issue is I've never used study.com (I've only ever used sophia and coursera) and the live proctoring sounds cumbersome. So what do you all think? Should I sign up to study.com just to do this one course or should I just do it at umpi? Or are there other alternatives I am unaware of?