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  Spring 1 UL History Class recommendations for BLS
Posted by: Han_Shot_First_IYKYK - 11-18-2024, 09:33 PM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (3)

Hi everyone,

I'm all set to begin my BLS in Spring 1 and plan to take 5 UL History classes to satisfy the History minor and UL elective requirements. I'm looking for the latest recommendations on easy/fast UL History classes to take. Feedback on these 7 classes and/or any other UL History classes would be appreciated.

HT 315 Greece, Rome, and the Early Church
HT 301 Medieval Europe
HTY 314 Egypt, Israel and the Ancient Near East
HTY 423 Colonial Society and the American Revolution
HTY 347 Russia:Kiev to Peter the Great
HTY 371 Intl Rel and Modern Conflicts
HTY 439 The Vietnam Wars

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  New to forum I need help and/or suggestions
Posted by: jp245 - 11-18-2024, 09:01 PM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (2)

Hi, I’m new to this forum and looking for information that can help me as I plan on applying for the BABA – Project Management & Information Systems at UMPI, do I need 12 classes in UMPI or 10? I’ve completed the Coursera IBM Data Analyst Prof. Series Cert. Does that count for BUS 440? I’ve also completed  IBM Data Analysis & Visualization Spec for BUS 345, Google Project Management Certificate for BUS 400, and  Google Data Analytics Certificate for BUS 245. I’ve heard these certificates also count towards electives and if that’s true then how many more electives would I need for the degree? I’m taking most classes on Sophia and I did BUS244 and BUS415 on SDCM. The 10 classes I plan on taking at UMPI are BUS150, BUS200, BUS220, BUS325, BUS469, MAT140, BUS141, BUS240, BUS343, and BUS359. I plan on taking BUS101, BUS353, ECO207, and COM210 on Sophia. If there are any suggestions on classes that would be better to take or any issues with the classes I’ve chosen please let me know. I’m currently taking 14 Sophia classes for GEC because I saw that certain classes count twice to fulfill the requirements.

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  Degree Planning Advice- UMPI BABA
Posted by: WoFaDeTi - 11-18-2024, 07:04 PM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (3)

Hey all. been lurking for about a year now, but I'm finally looking to jump in full force to get a degree! after a long time deciding what I want I think the path I chose degree wise is the best for me. Ive attached the degree plan I intend to follow and am hoping for any advice. It looks a little rough but it has all the relevant info. 

Your Location: California
Your Age: 23
What kind of degree do you want?: BABA w/ concentrations in mgmt & accounting + mgmt information systems minor
Current Regional Accredited Credits: none
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: none
Any certifications or military experience?: none
Budget: none. willing to spend whatever needed, but hoping to minimize amount of sessions at UMPI
Commitments: job 9-5, none otherwise
Dedicated time to study:4ish hours after work, willing to hunker down and spend most weekends studying. estimated 25-30 hours a week
Timeline: hoping to have as much as physically possible done before august 2025. at minimum, I would like to have finished all credits that I plan on transferring in. dedicated time to study becomes practically nonexistent after that until December. 
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: none Sad

More Relevant Info: I followed ashkir's 6 month BABA plan as closely as I could, using their spreadsheet as a template, making adjustments based off of the most recent info on catalog.umpi.edu . I also added a management information systems minor, as well as a second concentration in accounting. I would like to complete my degree in as few sessions as possible at UMPI. That being said, according to the plan I will be following, I have an additional 3 classes I can still transfer in, But im not sure which ones I should/could/can. Wit that in mind here are the main questions I have:

Which other classes should I transfer in and from where?

Are there any courses on my current plan that are redundant/unnecessary/outdated, and which courses should I replace/consolidate them with? 

Are there any courses that are overly time consuming at UMPI that I would be better off taking elsewhere, and if so what courses should I swap them out with?

Thanks all for your time Smile

Attached Files
.xlsx   Degree final v2.3.xlsx (Size: 16.82 KB / Downloads: 6)
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  Geography degree (GIS)
Posted by: Nicolevan1996 - 11-18-2024, 04:36 PM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (5)

Your Location: Grace City, North Dakota
Your Age: 28
What kind of degree do you want?: Geography degree (GIS)
Current Regional Accredited Credits: None
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: None
Any certifications or military experience?: No
Budget: 10k max
Commitments: None
Dedicated time to study: Unlimited (Currently at home, no kids, no job)
Timeline: As fast as possible 
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: None

Hi all, I really want to get a degree in Geography with a focus in GIS. Myself and hubby are South African here on visa’s and in the process of getting our green card so do not qualify for any financial assistance. Have been looking around and found Liberty University who are offering a BS in Geography - Physical Geography. With all my reading and researching I can definitely get a couple of transfers in with Sophia and Study.com. They also offer a 15% discount through Sophia. Basically just wanting to know if there is a sample degree plan for this and if this is the cheapest/quickest option?
Thanks in advance!!

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  Degree plan advice
Posted by: Degreehelp123 - 11-18-2024, 03:53 PM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (11)

Hello, I am currently looking at obtaining my bachelors and I came across this wonderful site. I was wondering if anyone would have any insight on what degree plan could be completed quickly. I am already established in my career and just need a degree to check off a box. Thank you so much for any advice! 
Your Location:Maryland
Your Age:26
What kind of degree do you want?:BLS w/ management minor or BABA managment & Leadership
Current Regional Accredited Credits:93 In Total
Introduction to Statistics
Intro Soc: Embrac Diver/Collab
Project Management
Critical Thinking
Health, Fitness, and Wellness
Principles of Finance
Workplace Communication
College Algebra
Business Law
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Management
Managerial Accounting
Financial Accounting
Howard Community College: 44 credits
Fund of Public Speaking
Introduction to Sociology
Film and Philosophy
Western Civilization & Pre-Mod
Ant World Prehistory to Mid
American History to 1877
Intro to World Geography
First Year Experience
Ethics in Literature
College Composition I
Operating Systems
Developing for Web
Software Application for Micro
Beginning Databases
Beginning Spreadsheets
Business Ethics
Intro to Busn and Organization
Biology and Society
Principles of Accounting I
University of Maryland Baltimore County: 10 credits
Intro to Astrobiology
Elementary German I
Principles of Macroeconomics

Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: None
Any certifications or military experience?: None
Budget: Any
Commitments: Full Time job 40 hr/week however I work remote and can put in time to study during working hours
Dedicated time to study:20 hours per week 
Timeline: preferably 6 months if starting in January semester 
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: None

 I already sent my transfer credits over to UMPI and all 93 were accepted. I am trying to decide between the BLS and BABA listed above, whichever is quicker or has less math is preferable. 
Once again thank you to whomever takes the time to look through this. I cant put into words how much I appreciate it

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  Would like to get a masters LMHC currently have a BOG
Posted by: Hiltswordstone - 11-18-2024, 01:20 PM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (12)

I currently have an associate's degree from Pierpont and I'm 29 (M) out of Austin, TX. I previously ran my own arbitrage business, but I disliked greatly. I've worked with kids, though, and I do enjoy the work. I would like to go into mental health care with an emphasis on children. I'm not sure where to go from here.
Here are my thoughts: I would prefer to do the bachelor's online, maybe a Bachelor's in Psychology from UMPI, then ask for letters of recommendation from all the professors. This might increase my chances of getting into the LMHC Master's program. I feel I should take as many letter-grade classes as possible. I used Sophia for all but one letter-grade class from Clackamas for my associate's degree from Pierpont.                                                                                                                                    I'm open to an online Master's program, as long as it's hybrid and I could actually get a degree, but I'm totally open to a physical location for the Master's if it's feasible.

Any thoughts or guidance is deeply appreciated.

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  Any accelerated online engineering bachelors out there?
Posted by: jobojoe285 - 11-18-2024, 12:35 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion - Replies (10)

Someone I know is thinking of career changing into an engineering career (I think electrical, so the program would be computer or electrical engineering). Their concern is not wanting to spend 4 years doing a "standard/classic" degree, so I've been trying to help and see if there's any accelerated programs like WGU, etc. I found some online degrees in this but they seem to be standard university where you must complete in 4 years, but can be done online.

Anyone know if there's anything that can be accelerated (provided the person can learn quickly, etc.)?

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  Is it possible to grad with both BLS and BAS?
Posted by: soulking - 11-18-2024, 07:34 AM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (5)

Pretty much what the subject line says. Can you graduate with both BLS and BAS degrees using the minor, if you meet all other requirements?

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  Doctorate with East Bridge University
Posted by: DrNotYet - 11-18-2024, 04:30 AM - Forum: Graduate School Discussion - Replies (26)

Hi everyone, interested in their doctorate program though they claim to be accredited - still questionable you know. Should I go ahead with this online university? It’s just a DBA that I’m going after, do not intend for any sort of license to be used to practice whatsoever. Thank you all!

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  Black Friday Sales
Posted by: NotJoeBiden - 11-18-2024, 01:52 AM - Forum: Free Courses and Certificates and Good Deals - Replies (6)

Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales are live: Deals from Coursera, DataCamp, edX, Vue, Zenva, and more.


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