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UMPI BLS Accounting Minor or Management questions about assignments |
Posted by: ArboristFlames - 01-23-2025, 05:31 AM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion
- Replies (5)
I was wondering if one of these two degrees is probably the degree with the least writing at UMPI Your Pace?
Also, is there a list of the types of assignments for each course? Like if they're essays, projects, etc. For all Your Pace courses, or even just for the Accounting or Management minor courses.
Technically would the fastest thing be to choose whichever minor has the most courses that transfer from Sophia or Study.com? I.e. the only difference between the BLS minors is the 18 credits you take. And can all those be taken at Sophia or Study.com?
Failing Sophia Algebra |
Posted by: Avidreader - 01-22-2025, 03:21 PM - Forum: Saylor.org, Straighterline, Study.com, OnlineDegree.com, Sophia.Org Discussion
- Replies (6)
Yes, I know that plenty of folk here find the course easy squeazy and could ace the tests with their eyes closed. But unfortunately for me, I was always awful at math. I had to grind 10,000 times more than my peers just to barely scramble by and get a D most of my life. I can answer logic math questions very well but my dark horse which is why I always fail exams:
The questions on exams have less than 2% of things in common with the exercises taught in class. So, add the frustration of grinding a subject that already always frustrated me for hours a day doing homework and homework and more homework and then always flunking exams getting 40%. Pretty much the only reason I passed grades at all was from homework. I never scored over a 63 on exams. One of the reasons my math skills are this bad is because the educational system when I grew up speedrunned everything and wanted to cram 3 years of courses in 10 months.
When I repeat an exact same exercise over 200 times, eventually it 'clicks' and not because I quite understand the why but because I just memorized how they want the solution and just want to get on with my life.
So, I had a glimmer of hope maybe Sophia Algebra would be doable for people as hopefully bad at math, and 90% of the lesson exercises are quite easy. But the milestone exams have tons of questions that don't have similar equivalent exercises in the course. For me, I forcibly need math exercises to be very similar to what I practised before or I derail and think I solved it right.
And I thiught I would get an 80 in the first milestone because most of the wuestions seem easy, but I only scored a 63. Milestone 1 is supposed to be the easy one!
I did Milestone 5 and got a depressing 36% 1st try and despite my efforts a 56%.
I could still theoretically still pass the course if somehow I repeat milestone 1 and do well miraculously and then also solve the remaining 3 milestones. But I don't harbor high hopes . Sophia has suggested me to take advantage of the tutoring but I had a very bad experience. Last year they changed the tutoring to some geolocked one that locked everyone in the planet except for the US and I wasted 3 weeks waiting for someone to solve the problem which if they did, I was not aware of it. I never wanted to try the tutoring cuse it left me a bad taste in my mouth.
Considering the grind this course has been since I started it in November (my brain just gets fried if I do something emotionally exhausting so I can't do it everyday), I am starting to measure the pros or cons of just dropping out and not renewing the subscription since I already took most of the courses I need.
I still have another 7 days and am only missing the milestones but if the chances I'll fail everything really pins me to a wall cuse this was supposed to be the 'easy' option. I could only do half of the CSM course before getting frustrated. The course isn't as easy as people claim and insanely frustrating for people that get frustrated easily at math like me. It only worsens the mental blockage so I don't feel it is an option.
So, do I try to grind and end up failing the course with a 60% or cut my losses and cancel the subscription? I need the class, so not doing an Algebra course is not an option either.I already did Sophia Statistics. That one was grueling but still doable because I was already familiar with a lot of the material and exam questions were more similar to class exercises.
Recognition of UMPI YourPace in Egypt and Other Countries |
Posted by: worldly face - 01-22-2025, 01:27 PM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice
- Replies (7)
Hello everyone,
I’m an international student from Egypt considering the UMPI YourPace online program. I’ve researched the program and accreditation process in Egypt and wanted to hear from other international students about their experiences.
My main concerns are:
- The program is fully online. Could this raise questions about its legitimacy with degree equivalency committees?
- A significant portion of credits comes from alternative sources (e.g., Sophia, Study.com). Does this appear on the transcript, and should I proactively address it with the committee?
I’ve read on the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities' website that degree recognition is determined case by case after completion, as long as the granting institution is accredited. However, my mother, a college professor, believes that fully online degrees may not be taken seriously by the equivalency committee. I don’t want to invest time and effort into earning a degree only to find out it isn’t accredited in my country, as I don’t plan on relocating.
If you’ve gone through this process in Egypt or elsewhere, I’d appreciate your insights on how your degree was evaluated
Thank you!
TESU Sophia & Study.com Courses |
Posted by: slreed - 01-22-2025, 12:06 PM - Forum: TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion
- Replies (9)
I spoke with my advisor this morning. She waived the 100 credit requirement so I will begin Capstone and 1101 in February. My degree plan is for Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Humanities.
I sent her a list of my Sophia and Study.com courses for her to approve. Do you see any courses that should be taken at Study.com vs Sophia or vice versa or are there any Study.com courses that are especially fast that I could do instead of a Sophia course or two?
Here's what I sent her:
Sophia Learning:
To satisfy the Upper Level Humanities Credits:
Ancient Greek Philosophy 3 credits
Visual Communication 3 credits
Conflict Resolution 3 credits
To satisfy required courses not yet taken:
Into to College Mathematics 3 credits
Intro to Ethics 3 credits
To satisfy Gen Ed Electives:
Essentials of Managing Conflict 1 credit
Art History II 3 credits
Intro to Nutrition 3 credits
To satisfy required courses not yet taken:
Presentation Skills 3 credits
Total credits from Sophia & Study.com: 25 credits
TESU Courses required:
Capstone (registered for February start) 3 credits
1101 (registered for February start) 3 credits
Transfer credits already accounted for: 89 credits
Total of all credits listed above: 120 credits
My goal is to graduate in June and we discussed that. As long as I transfer these credits by May 1st she said I would be fine. I'm getting busy tonight! I'm very excited and motivated.
Second History Minor UL Recommendations? |
Posted by: 2mcdoubles - 01-22-2025, 10:15 AM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion
- Replies (1)
I'm doing the yourpace BLS with MIS, and for my UL electives I believe I can get a second minor in History by taking 4 UL HTY courses.
Which HTY classes are the fastest (or easiest) to complete, e.g. amount of milestones, etc.?
Here's my tentative electives for reference:
- POS 343: Marxism
- HTY 313 Early Modern Europe
- HTY 370: Arab Israeli
- HTY 456: Cold War Films
- HTY 489: Special Topics in History
- Would you recommend taking different HTY courses than above, i.e. goal is to finish in one term (maybe two)?
- POS 343: Heard this is a relatively quick class is this still true? (I know not HTY)
- HTY 456: Read this is long, but it looks very interesting. Could someone elaborate on the actual course load, i.e. how many movies?
- HTY 489: Also, read this one is relatively quick, but at first glance I would of thought this would be a difficult course.
Posted by: Umm Abdullah - 01-22-2025, 02:00 AM - Forum: TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion
- Replies (4)
Hello, I would like to get some advice regarding the following issue. I am pursuing a bachelor of arts in mathematics at TESU and I am close to completing 100 credits. There are 7 other courses I need : Calculus 3, Linear algebra, English composition 2, Public Speaking, 2 upper level math courses, capstone. Does anyone know where to find upper level math courses whicha are cheap and self-paced? I took a D in History of mathematics at tesu and need to fix my gpa, however this course starts in April which would make it not possible to take cal 3 this March at tesu. Can I transfer 2 upper level math courses outside( if I find them) so that this history of math course doesn't apply towards my degree and as a result not count toward gpa at tesu? ( Also, What are the easiest upper level math courses at tesu?
Master's Requirements |
Posted by: umecyne - 01-21-2025, 04:41 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (10)
I've looked through most of the wiki but I'm struggling to figure out what the cheapest option would be for filling a couple of required courses before applying to a master's degree program at ULF.
The required courses are (no labs required)
- General Biology (2 semesters)
- General Chemistry (2 semesters)
- Organic Chemistry (1 semester)
According to their advisors there's not any option for me to test out of these requirements, they want actual course completions. Their suggestion was to take the courses at UC San Diego's extension program. But the cost is just way too high for me. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it.