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  Worried about Failing
Posted by: Lordworm30 - 01-21-2025, 02:50 PM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (2)

Hey There! I’ve been out of college for about 6 years or so. Im going back to UMPI in March for the summer semester. I’ve transferred over 90 credits from my previous university and am doing the BLS with a minor in History. I’m really self doubting myself that I’m gonna be too stupid for these classes and that I’m going to fail. Can anyone provide tips or encouragement to help ease my mind just worried the classes are going to be to hard and I won’t be able to comprehend anything. Thanks

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  Honest Opinion Wanted: How easy is WGU?
Posted by: lincolnlawyer - 01-21-2025, 11:51 AM - Forum: Graduate School Discussion - Replies (10)

So I came across this Reddit thread from a year ago where someone claimed they completed a master’s in a month. I assume this was the Tempo program. [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/15pkww6/comment/jvy8hir/][/url]

Now, WGU has been discussed quite frequently in the forum, but particularly alarming is this individual claiming they breezed through the instructional & design program in such a short time - 1/3 of a term, and that one of the classes involved basic photoshop skills…

Can anyone confirm if this is true? If it is, it doesn’t sound like you can learn anything at all…

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  TESU Liberal Arts Degree Questions
Posted by: slreed - 01-21-2025, 10:38 AM - Forum: TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion - Replies (10)

I'm transferring 89 credits from a 4 year university to TESU. They have accepted those courses and this is what I have remaining to finish my degree:

1101 Fact, Fiction Course
Basic Math Course
Public Speaking

Humanities Upper Level Courses 9 Credits remaining

General Ed Electives 7 Credits remaining

I'm speaking with my advisor tomorrow and want to plan out how to complete these remaining credits by April 15th to apply for the June graduation. I need to graduate in June for a position which begins in August. 

Here's what I am considering:

Take Capstone & 1101 through TESU beginning February 3rd.
Sophia for the remaining courses because they will be easier to complete there than through TECEP or TESU.

Here are the Sophia courses I have chosen to fulfill the requirements:

Intro to College Math 3 
Public Speaking 3 
Intro to Ethics 3

For Humanities Credits:
Ancient Greek Philosophers 3
Studying Religions 3
Critical Thinking 3

For Gen Ed:
Visual Communications 3
Essentials of Managing Conflict 1
Workplace Communication 3

Do these courses transfer to TESU? Per the Sophia website, they seem to transfer. Will my advisor be able to confirm these courses will work for my degree plan? Any other suggestions?

I realize I will have to pay the waiver, I am fine with that. The timeline is of the utmost importance. 

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions.

Thanks! Shannon

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Music Fast Route to Bachelor's
Posted by: smiley5044 - 01-21-2025, 12:55 AM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (4)

Hi! I am located in Arkansas and currently work as a paraprofessional in a school district. I want to teach in Elementary. Currently, I am open to getting my Bachelors degree in whatever I can quickly (it doesn't have to be elementary education or early childhood development) and then going into an Alternative Pathway to Licensure (like ArPep). I prefer Open book, open note courses like Sophia for obvious reasons (non proctored, work at your own pace) but I am flexible. Math/Science are not my strong suits. 

Your Location: Arkansas, United States
Your Age: 32
What kind of degree do you want?: Bachelor's 
Current Regional Accredited Credits: Unsure
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: Sophia Credits
FOSM 1110 Nutrition CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Art History I CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Environmental Science CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Human Biology CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Introduction to Ethics CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Lifespan Development CR 3.000
FREL 1999 Precalculus CR 3.000
MTH 1210 Introduction to Statistics CR 3.000
MTH 1212 College Algebra CR 3.000

Any certifications or military experience?: No Military Experience. Children's House Montessori Teacher Certification (3-6 Years Old) MACTE Accredited.
BudgetTonguerefer less than $20K
Commitments: Will commit as much as I can; I work full time in public school system and am a spouse and parent
Dedicated time to study: 3 hours per day
Timeline: 12-18 months, preferably less
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: Possibly a grant.

Here are my Community College Courses Passed. 
COM 2200 Intro to Human Communications B 3.000
ENGL 1104 Written English I C 3.000 
PSYG 1101 Introduction to Psychology A 3.000 
SPN 1101 Elementary Spanish I B 3.000 
ENGL 1108 Written English II A 3.000
FREL 1999 Music A 3.000
FREL 1999 Human Growth & Development B 3.000 
FREL 1999 Personal & Community Health B 3.000 
FREL 1999 World Civilization II B 3.000
BUSN 1100 Keyboarding A 3.000 
FREL 1999 Intro to Philosophy A 3.000 
FREL 1999 World Literature I A 3.000 
FREL 1999 Abnormal Psychology B 3.000 

I really excel around child development and loved that for my 2 year Montessori certification program. I love being with children and learning about them. I have leaned into WGU for the competency-based program but am not sure about it.

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  FDA Announces BAN on 'Red Dye 3'
Posted by: LevelUP - 01-20-2025, 04:39 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (6)

FDA Announces BAN on 'Red Dye 3'

I'm not sure what to think about all this.

Did RFK have anything to do with this?

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  NWCU Law Tuition Rising, Lower Rate Locked-In for Applicants By February 28 2025
Posted by: Jonathan Whatley - 01-20-2025, 12:15 PM - Forum: Doctorate Degree Discussion - Replies (7)

Northwestern California University School of Law (NWCU Law) is increasing tuition for its distance learning Juris Doctor (JD), accredited by the State Bar of California and bar-qualifying there though with limited transferability to other state bars, from 3900 per year to 4980 per year effective March 1 2025.

Students who apply no later than February 28 2025 and who also enroll within 30 days from the date of enrollment approval will be eligible to have the old tuition "'locked-in' for the entire length of the four year program, until degree completion, if completed on schedule."

Via NWCU alum sideman on the sister forum.

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  UMPI - YourPace Business Administration, Management and Leadership Concentration, B.A
Posted by: ctor2024 - 01-20-2025, 05:28 AM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (8)

Dear all,

I’m new to the forum and excited to be part of this community! ? I’m not a U.S. citizen, so the education system here (credits, General Education requirements, etc.) is a bit unfamiliar to me. I’ve been reading through many threads, which have been incredibly helpful, and I’ve decided to pursue my BA at UMPI.

After doing some research, I’ve developed a plan to gain my credits, but I’d love for you to take a look and let me know if it makes sense. Do I need to make any adjustments? Are there any pitfalls I should avoid? I am attaching my plan to the post.

Your feedback and advice would mean a lot to me! Thank you in advance for taking the time to help me.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best regards,


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.xlsx   BA-UMPI.xlsx (Size: 83.1 KB / Downloads: 29)
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  Overlap of General Education Requirements and General Electives
Posted by: jac0b - 01-20-2025, 02:48 AM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (2)


As per the title I want to understand what happens when there is an overlap for General Electives and General Education Requirements

For example, if I have Intro to Nutrition and Art History 2 in my General Education Requirements, can I also use these in my General Electives, or must I have unique general electives?

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  Which college to attend. Please help
Posted by: Fortunado10 - 01-20-2025, 02:25 AM - Forum: General "Big 3", B&M colleges, and other colleges - Replies (4)

I appreciate all your help & advise
Location: Maryland
Age: 56
What kind of degree do you want: works in sports & taught MS & HS Physical education for 8 years from 2000-2008.
Honestly the fastest & easiest major 
Budget: $2500-$5000. Would like the cheapest possible route but will consider paying more for fast & easy. 
Commitments: Work full time but my schedule is flexible.
Dedicated time to study: 6-7 hours daily including weekends.
Timeline: Would like to finish in 3-6 months if possible.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: None.
Current Regional Accredited Credits: attended from 1988-1992. 

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  Application to edit documents selectively - Cheap or Free
Posted by: bjcheung77 - 01-20-2025, 01:31 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

For documents and other file types such as PDF's, is there an application that can merge specific pages of a PDF with another? For example, I have X PDF's, I want to selectively grab pages from those Docx/PDF's and combine them into one... Is there an application for that? Something like a cut/paste or snipping parts that I want to review later?  

This is for generating a Coles or Collins Notes version of a set of textbook chapters for review, so I can review parts I need to retain info in those hard to grasp concept areas or points I want to.  It's easier than copy/pasting into a document, or getting screenshots, etc, much faster than writing down or highlighting those notes as well.   Anything out there?

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