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  Another online Mexican university: Universidad Virtual Liverpool
Posted by: Avidreader - 01-17-2025, 05:02 AM - Forum: General "Big 3", B&M colleges, and other colleges - No Replies

I just bumped into this university and was quite surprised. For reference, it's like discovering there is a university in the USA named: JCPennys University Global. Or perhaps a Sears university global.

It seems bizarre a chain department store would have its own university, but it does have RVOE. If it is legit in the eyes of the Mexican government, I suppose it is worth sharing the info here. School has been running for at least 2 years and there's already a few alumni with a cédula profesional.

As expected since it's a department store, most degrees are aimed at sales. They currently offer Bachelors and Masters degrees. Website gives vibes they tried copying the UVEG. The ads look almost identical with magenta hues instead of royal blue. They use a quarter trimester format lasting 4 months and the bachelors degrees take 3 years. Masters degrees take 2 years with 3 months. Unlike a lot of the online public universities I have shared in other threads, this school seems more flexible about requirements.

Everything seems to be done online where you pay 100 MXN (5 USD) for a knowledge entrance exam. Yes, 5 USD. The low cost was very surprising. Masters degrees signups are only most modestly expensive at 150 MXN (7 USD). They offer scholarships as well. 80% off for people that don't work at their department stores. Masters have scholarships up to 75% for non employees.

I can't find information about costs for each semester. Only that the titulation for Bachelors costs 2400 mxn (120 USD) and Masters 4000 mxn (200 usd). For Mexican standards, the costs for graduation are very affordable.

As a requirement to graduate a bachelors, students must do a community service or servicio social that lasts 480 hours in 6 months. They offer students to become tutors as an option to fulfill the service or work at a government institution. Theoretically, this could include doing the service at any Mexican embassy or consulate worldwide as an unpaid internship. The website mentions students can also fulfill the requirement working online as interns for a company willing to accept them.

Bachelor degrees:

Business Administration and Sales
Business Administration and Innovation
Business Financial Management
Business Management and Logistics
Omnichannel Business Administration (seems to combine logistics with a little bit of Data Science and Telecommunications with Marketing.)

Masters degrees:
Business Administration
Corporate Finance
Marketing Administration

Future Masters degrees taking 18 months:
Data analytics and business intelligence
Minority commerce strategies and shopping experience

They also offer a few extra course. Don't know if they are available to everyone or costs. Most courses are related to the degree offerings. They also have some math courses.

Sessions start 3 times a year: January, May, September

Official website:

For more information, email: admisionesuvl@ifliverpool.edu.mx

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  Sophia Credits Expire for transfer
Posted by: ande - 01-17-2025, 12:53 AM - Forum: Saylor.org, Straighterline, Study.com, OnlineDegree.com, Sophia.Org Discussion - Replies (1)

My brother took some Sophia classes in 2023.  He asked if they will expire?

He plans to attend UMPI in 2028 after going a a service project for the next 3 years.

Any Feedback appreciated.


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  Post ChatGPT degree planning and completion advice (minimal effort-non proctored)
Posted by: Saulbaba - 01-16-2025, 03:50 PM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (7)

Zero prior Credits. Only HS diploma. Looking for advice. 
Direct masters possible?
  Confused Huh
Hello Everyone,

It's been over two years since I received all those amazing recommendations from you about pursuing a bachelor's degree. I have to admit, I didn't take any steps toward earning credits and eventually, it slipped my mind entirely. However, about six months ago, I went through a particularly challenging period in my life that compelled me to reevaluate the importance of education.

Currently, I'm working a job that pays $50,000 annually. While I'm grateful for the stability, I aspire for more than just a helpdesk position. My goal is to obtain a degree, but I must confess that I've never been a strong student, and I'm seeking a path that doesn't demand a lot of effort—preferably something non-proctored.

Being 35 years old, I often feel left behind when I compare myself to my peers. With this new perspective in mind, I'm reaching out for your advice on how to pursue a degree. How has the emergence of tools like ChatGPT changed the landscape of education? Is there a way I can use it to fast-track my way through a degree, any degree, that is both affordable and quick, and could eventually lead me to an MBA?

Additionally, I've heard about master's programs that don't require a bachelor's degree, based on performance-based admissions, like those available on Coursera. However, they still seem to require a bachelor's as a prerequisite. I came across a Scottish program at Heriot-Watt University that caught my interest.

The ultimate aim here is to make a slight upward financial move in my life. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have.

Thank you all in advance for your help.

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  RIP David Lynch
Posted by: EliEverIsAHero - 01-16-2025, 02:23 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (4)

One of the universe's brightest stars has just gone out. Sad

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  Is joining the Space Force out of reach for me?
Posted by: EliEverIsAHero - 01-16-2025, 12:39 PM - Forum: Military Discussion - Replies (2)

I contacted a recruiter about this out of curiosity - I'm still of age to join the Space Force, but I'm worried that my history of autism spectrum disorder, medicated anxiety, and past orthopedic surgery might get in the way. I am also in my 30s which isn't exactly the standard age at which a lot of people enlist or seek out a commission. 

If I knew 100% it were personally tenable for me, I would jump at the chance to serve in the USSF. 

Anyone here knowledgeable about this?

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  Question re: CapTech's programs in Counterterrorism and Intelligence/Global Security
Posted by: EliEverIsAHero - 01-16-2025, 12:27 PM - Forum: Doctorate Degree Discussion - Replies (4)

I've applied to both PhD programs on account of hearing that CapTech (Capitol Technology University) follows a dissertation-only model (but doesn't require a concept paper/proposal as part of the application like UK dissertation-only programs) as well as that it's possible to do a 3-paper/3-article dissertation.

But I have some questions about this: they require 60 credit hours at an expected pace of 6 credits per term, but is it possible to fast-track your degree there if you complete your dissertation or three articles within your first 2-3 semesters? Anyone know how they work this out? 

I also asked their admissions counselor/advisor based on hearing on the other degree forum that they allow 42 transfer credits, but she advised me that this only applies to credits from a (presumably unfinished) doctorate, not from a Master's degree. This part somewhat frustrated me as I am applying with two Master's and a Graduate Certificate in a closely related field (I was told the Graduate Certificate credits wouldn't transfer).

What have experiences here been with Capitol Technology University in this regard?

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  UMPI Questions - Application & Courses
Posted by: Bm1992 - 01-16-2025, 07:55 AM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (21)

Which classes are more comprehensive? Study.com or UMPI? Study courses are taking me a week to finish, I take notes on everything then review before the exams. Are UMPI classes similar?

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Question BBA in PM MIS vs BAS with a minor in PM and MIS
Posted by: nicecoolego - 01-15-2025, 10:29 PM - Forum: UMPI - University of Maine at Presque Isle Discussion - Replies (5)

I've been working on a BAS with a double minor in PM and MIS for a while now. I am 4 classes away from finishing all my requirements and I have an AAS with an aoe in mis from Pierpont. However when I looked at the program options for this year I found new programs that weren't available before one being a BBA in PM MIS. Does anybody know about this option? Is it better than pursuing the BAS with the those minors?

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  TESU Application Questions
Posted by: FungiTao - 01-15-2025, 12:47 PM - Forum: TESU - Thomas Edison State University Discussion - Replies (5)

Hi all,

Finishing up my Sophia courses and I'm looking to apply to TESU before starting Study.com courses.

I just had a few queries surrounding my application and eligibility on credits:

  • What's the process of transferring credits from Sophia to TESU?
  • Does taking a TECEP exam count as an "enrolled" student?
  • Do I have a time limit on when I have to transfer all my credits?

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  Most cost effective way to use Study.com?
Posted by: FungiTao - 01-15-2025, 12:37 PM - Forum: Saylor.org, Straighterline, Study.com, OnlineDegree.com, Sophia.Org Discussion - Replies (4)

Almost finished my Sophia credits and now moving to Study.com next month.

I remember seeing a strategy on utilizing Study.com where you pay for the basic membership without the proctored exam, and once finished, you switch to the college-credit membership and take the exam. Supposedly you get refunded for the remaining part of the basic membership that you didn't use? Does anyone have any experience with this? 

If the above is correct, would it be advisable to first do all the quizzes and obtain the knowledge, and then take the proctored exams when you're ready? (I'm aware of the 2 free proctored exams rule)


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