I am planning to pursue a BA in Psychology and possibly a minor in business administration. Before I post my degree plan for feedback and suggestions, I am a bit confused on how the credits transfer for a minor. For example if I plan to transfer 90 credits for the BA psych major, I can still transfer in credits for the minor but they cannot be the same credits I would use towards my major, correct?
I hope to enroll at UMPI in May after I finally complete my associates degree
University of Lynchburg's Doctor of Executive Leadership in Healthcare is 37 credits and can be completed in 12 months on the accelerated track, if you have a qualifying master's degree.
Hi everyone. I have attached my full plan for my BA in Psych at UMPI via YourPace.
Thank you in advance for any help. Here is some info about me.
Your Location: NC Your Age: 35 Current Regional Accredited Credits: 49 (local CC - RCC & SNHU). The RCC credits are probably 10 years old but will be used for electives and one Gen Ed, I'm assuming they will be accepted. They were accepted at SNHU but that was also in 2017 so the RCC credits were not as old at the time. Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: None but signing up for Sophia today, starting courses tomorrow. Any certifications or military experience?: Nothing relevant Commitments: Remote job, but workload is currently very light Dedicated time to study: at least 40 hours per week (also work fast, no real struggles with academics)
I will complete 40 credits at Sophia/study.com & 33 at UMPI (12 classes, one is an orientation for Gen Ed, so really 11).
My questions:
1. Is 11 courses at UMPI realistic to complete in one 8 week term? If not, two?
2. Is it typical that all of my RCC & SNHU credits that aren't used for Gen Ed & Psych, would be eligible to be used as elective credits as I have them allocated in my spreadsheet?
3. Should I wait until I finish all of my Sophia/study.com course to apply for UMPI? I plan to take 2 weeks at the max to do the 14 Sophia/Study course so that if I need to wait to apply to UMPI until after I finish them, I can apply by 1/15/24 for the March 10th start date (this will have me applying 2 weeks before the deadline). This is an area of concern because I have read that it takes a while to get everything done as the staff at UMPI are still adjusting to the influx of YourPace students.
4. General advice/feedback on my plan please. Any major holes or issues I am not seeing? I did sub in some of the psych classes that may be a bit more difficult/time consuming bc my plan is to immediately start a Masters in CMHC or Clinical Psych program once I get my BA, so my thinking is that it is beneficial to take some of the more advanced classes. Any thoughts on that? If it won't make much difference, I will opt in for the easier course load.
A note - I don't have my RCC transcript yet. IT is requested but it's a small school in a rural area. I went by the transferred credit list from my SNHU transcript, assuming that the ones SNHU transferred in, UMPI would also.
I appreciate anyone that is willing to take a look and help me out, thank you!
Touching based on the support of my younger brother, who is trying to complete his degree. However, his biggest hurdle isn't credit but his age–he turns 18 next year and would love to graduate from UMPI. However, we know of the minimum age requirement. Can you please see if there is value in considering another school or encouraging him to pursue his other aspirations (there are many) during this waiting period?
Being family, I am sure there are blinders, and I would appreciate some new eyes and recommendations.
Thanks to all.
UMPI Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration – Management & Leadership
| Course. | UMPI Equivalent. | Provider. | Category. | UMPI Credit. | Status. |
| Introduction to Business | BUS 101 Introduction to Business | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Introduction to Sociology | SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| College Algebra | MAT 117 College Algebra | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Microeconomics / Macroeconomics | ECO 207 Macro & Microeconomics | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Accounting | BUS 150 Intro to Financial Accounting | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Introduction to Ethics | PHI 152 Introduction to Ethics | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Communication at Work | BUS 210 Organizational Communication | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Environmental Science | ENV 110 Intro to Environmental Science | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| US History I | HTY 161 United States History I | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| US History II | HTY 162 United States History II | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Art History I | ART 211 Art History I | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Art History II | ART 212 Art History II | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Ancient Greek Philosophers | PHI 1XX Philosophy Elective | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Introduction to Psychology: Smarter Decisions | PSI 101 General Psychology | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Intro to Info Technology | COS 103 Intro to Information Tech. | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Conflict Resolution | BUS 210 Organizational Communication | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Business Law | BUS 350 Business Law I | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Principles of Finance | BUS 1XX Business Elective | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Project Management | BUS 141 Intro Project Mgmt / MS Projects | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Visual Communications | COM-1XX General Elective | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Essentials of Managing Conflicts | BUS 1XX Business Elective | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Human Biology | BIO 103 Human Biology | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Introduction to Statistics | MAT 101 Basic Statistics | Sophia | GEC | 3 | Complete |
| Developing Effective Teams | BUS-1XX Business Elective | Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Managerial Accounting | BUS 220 Managerial Accounting | Straighterline | GE | 3 | Complete |
| American Government | POS 101 American Government | Straighterline | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Google Data Analytics Certificate | 245 Programming for Managers | Coursera | GE | 3-12 | Complete |
| Foreign Language (GRM 101 or SPA 101) | GRM 101 or SPA 101 Foreign Language | ACTFL/Sophia | GE | 3 | Complete |
| Course | UMPI Equivalent. | Provider. | Category. | UMPI Credit. | Status. |
| ENG 101 Composition I | ENG 101 Composition I | UMPI | GEC | 3 | Needed |
| ENG 121 Composition II | ENG 121 Composition II | UMPI | GEC | 3 | Needed |
| MAT 140 Mathematics for Business | MAT 140 Mathematics for Business | UMPI | Business | 3 | Complete |
| BUS 200 Intermediate Business Computing | BUS 200 Intermediate Business Computing | UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
| BUS 303 Management Information Systems | BUS 244 Management Information System | UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
| BUS 304 Leading Organizational Change | BUS 240 Change Management | UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
| Critical Thinking & Analysis | HUM 103 Creative Decision Making | Study.com | Business | 3 | Complete |
| Marketing Management | BUS 330 Marketing Management | UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
| Legal & Ethical Issues in Business | BUS 353 Legal & Ethical Issues in Business| UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
| Leadership | BUS 260 Leadership | UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
| Financial Management | BUS 325 Financial Management | UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
| Business Analytics | BUS 440 Business Analytics | UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
| Strategic Professional Communication | BUS 469 Strategic Professional Communication | UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
| Business Policy & Strategy | BUS 489 Business Policy & Strategy | UMPI | Business | 3 | Needed |
I want to help my cousin come up with a degree plan for UMPI transferring in the full 90 credits as cheaply as possible with a hope that she can do the UMPI courses in the summer when she has more free time. I am having a little trouble sorting out what is the most recent info. Does anyone already have a degree plan set up that I can use as a starting point? She would be starting from zero.
Hi, Are ther any affordable competency based universities like UMPI in the world? Europe, Asia ? Are they any loans for International students studying online ?
I graduated from TESU in 2021 and was just looking through to see what's changed (and/or, what I don't remember).
I have a friend who is interested in TESU. (She prefers the more flexible general ed requirements at TESU vs UMPI, among other reasons, even though it is likely more expensive.)
- For the Civic Engagement requirement, will a basic Intro to Government (sophia, CLEP, etc) that TESU accepts still work to meet this requirement?
- For UL courses for LSSS, it appears that TESU accepts Sophia Organizational Behavior and Intro to Marketing as upper level courses, and, in turn, that those courses would count as UL social science courses. Is that correct? If not, are there other Sophia courses or other least expensive UL course options? (In my day, it was Coopersmith.)
- Has anyone had success using a third-party private financial aid source/broker such as Ascent, Sallie Mae or College Ave to get financial aid to cover the residency waiver, which is considered a fee and thus not eligible for Federal financial aid or Pell grants? It's my understanding that the private lenders will cover expenses and fees like this.
Upgrad is offering a combined M.Ed.-Ed.D. option in several different areas of education:
Master and Doctor of Education in Emerging Technologies in Education
Master and Doctor of Education in Online Learning and Education Technology
Master and Doctor of Education in K-12 Educational Leadership
Master and Doctor of Education in Higher Educational Leadership
Master and Doctor of Education in Curriculum Studies and Learning Sciences
Degrees are issued by Edgewood College, which is an RA Catholic college in Wisconsin (USA). The minimum eligibility requirement is "a bachelors degree in any field".
For both the RA master's & the doctorate, you'll be set back roughly 13,000 US dollars, depending on where you are in the world. I don't think I've seen a better deal out there for this combo.
Your Location: Utah Your Age: 24 What kind of degree do you want?: Bachelors with a major in tech. Major flexible, but preferably IT. More interested in networking, cybersecurity, cloud and less interested in data analytics, software development, and computer science Current Regional Accredited Credits: None. Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: None. Any certifications or military experience?: CompTIA 220-1101 exam passed, but not 220-1102 for the A+. Budget: I'd really like to keep it under the 15k mark Commitments: A full time job and a girlfriend Dedicated time to study: 20-30h a week Timeline: 36 months or less; would like an associates within 18 Tuition assistance/reimbursement: I may be getting assistance from the state, but I'm still waiting to hear on eligibility and benefit details. Might get some from the pell grant
I'd like an associates degree along the way if logical. IT Certifications or an undergraduate certification along the way would be nice, but not as important to me.
I'd *prefer* a non-proctored environment. Really want to do as many courses on Sophia as possible
I'd *prefer* not to do Calculus level math or above
It's a requirement for me to be able to accomplish everything online.
Willing to spend a little more (with the total budget still being 15k) to accommodate the associates degree preference
Here's what I've got so far. I've emailed Snow College to see if their cybersecurity/networking AAS program will accept ACE credits. If they do, I'll do that and transfer it into WGU.
Open to other programs/schools. I considered the BABA PM&IS at UMPI but the courses are not interesting to me at all, I want to learn applicable skills for my field.
The PUG/TESU Cybersecurity and Cloud Computing programs seem interesting. I haven't looked much into SNHU
I have a great career but need a masters in some field of psychology to get into a management position. I've done online studies for my undergrad but that was 2009-2012. I enjoyed it although it was course based and not competency based.
The masters can be any length (30 credits works), online only, and any sub field of psychology is fine (educational, general, clinical, etc.). I do not need a licensure program and won't be pursuing a PhD. Goal is to finish in 12 months or less.
Right now, I am looking at Walden (although not sure about tempo) and possibly APUS. Must be regionally accredited.