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U.S. History I & II |
Posted by: FlyAway - 03-22-2006, 06:32 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (6)
I needed twelve credits to graduate in May, so I decided to take 2 Clep exams; Humanities and Social Sciences and History.
I passed the Humanities with a 53, without studying. I scored a 49:mad: on the Social Sciences and that was with the collegeboard study guide.
I am kicking myself because I didn't find out about instantcert until yesterday!!! I am planning on taking both of the U.S. History exams, is two weeks enough time with instantcert?
DANTES books by Rudman |
Posted by: ShotoJuku - 03-22-2006, 10:03 AM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (1)
Has anyone ever used the RUDMAN "Red Cover" books put out by the NLC "National Learning Corporation" for the Civil War and Reconstruction exam? I am just wondering how similar in context are the sample questions in the book compared to the real thing? THANKS!!
Question regarding "field trial test questions" |
Posted by: RBOWMAN - 03-21-2006, 01:37 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (7)
Does anyone really know for sure how many of the dsst questions or clep questions really count in the grading equation? I know they both " field test" certain questions on each exam, but how many? I found taking the dsst exams interesting in that they have a hundred or more questions and yet require you to only score a 48 or 49 on most tests. Does that really mean that each question only counts one point or are they " field testing " ten or so and really grading you on 90 or so questions. I keep track on a scratch sheet how many questions I know I have right and usually when i get up around 50 or more I feel safe ...yet Iam not sure whether there is some curve factor out there that will ultimately zing me and six months later I can test again. Anyone know for sure..thanks.
Why doesn't instantcert cover everything on the clep exam? |
Posted by: Shark101 - 03-21-2006, 12:10 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (23)
Can you please clarify this quote from your website:"To build proficiency in the subject matter, [B]familiarize yourself with the phrasing and difficulty level and to help you choose exam subjects where you have the highest possibility of passing". [/B]I noticed after taking a couple of clep exams that instantcert does not cover a lot of areas on the clep exams i.e. when I recently took the US history 2 clep exam there were only 40 questions that were covered by instantcert is this enough to pass?
Suggestion More Forums... |
Posted by: ChrisM - 03-19-2006, 11:47 AM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (5)
I recommend creating DSST, CLEP and Excelsior Forums in addition to General Education.
While this will require additional administration it will assist in keeping the same topics being repeated over and over again cluttering up the General area.
DSST: Principles of Public Speaking |
Posted by: alexkel - 03-18-2006, 11:11 AM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (22)
Just took the Public Speaking test this morning. I used passyourclass book and flashcards which were of little help. Out of the 84 questions maybe 15 -20 were part of the book and flashcards. This was one of the more difficult test I took. My speech topic that was given to me was drug testing, pretty easy one. If I passed this one, luck is on my side. Will find out in 3-4 weeks.
US History 1 CLEP |
Posted by: CaroM - 03-17-2006, 09:31 AM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (7)
Does anyone have any advice for me for this test? I have studied two weeks so far using mainly InstantCert and also reading some textbooks (Cliffnotes). I decided to put it off another week because of low scores on practice tests. I don't know how I'm studying wrong. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
Excelsior |
Posted by: ChristaKB - 03-16-2006, 10:46 AM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (8)
Looking to continue my quest for a BA by transferring to Excelsior. But, their info is so confusing, it drives me crazy.
Any brief versions for me on estimated costs for admission etc? I know the costs for tests, just curious how much they charge for getting the degree from them.
Also, how do you go about taking the ECE exams? Can you take them on line or something?