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DANTES PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE question on Financial Charts |
Posted by: Navselect - 03-14-2006, 06:58 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (5)
I have been studying for this principles of finance exam for the past two weeks and will be taking the exam in about 28 hours. Does anyone know if the Financial charts (for calculating present vaule of a dollar etc.)are included as material you can use for the test? I ve been doing the problem section on Instant cert and have been learning how to use the charts. But if they are not included in the exam I have to study those long formulas. Can anyone help me out? Thanks
Question about ECE test |
Posted by: rjc311 - 03-14-2006, 04:27 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (9)
Hi...I was wondering if anyone has taken the ECE "History of Nazi Germany". It says it will be discontinued at the end of June but it is a subject of interest for me so I thought I might take it before it goes away...considering that History will likely be my focus. THey don't offer any study materials for it and neither does instantcert so i wanted to know if anyone has taken it and what they suggest I use to study...
Here's the exam description from the website:
"Reflects a study of the history of National Socialism. Includes the rise of National Socialists to power, politics and the economy, everyday life in the Third Reich, the role of the SS in the National Socialist state, the Holocaust, and the legacy of National Socialism."
History and business lawclep |
Posted by: noone - 03-14-2006, 01:48 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (4)
Hi everyone,
I have to give a History clep for an elective and would like some advise on which one to give. If someone can please let me which of the following is easiest, given the fact I do not know much about history: U.S History I, U.S History II, Western Civilization I, Western Civilization II.
Also apart from instantcert what other sources did you use?
I also plan to give Business LAw clep. What sources did u use?
Suggestion: Question Selection |
Posted by: sirjake - 03-14-2006, 01:10 PM - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (3)
An idea that I think would be very helpful would be to have a selection window where you can choose which questions you wish to be asked (specifically). Such that you could have the question stem shown (like in the window when you view missed questions), and have a checkbox next to each question in a section. Thus, you check the questions you want to review, hit next, and can review only those questions. The reason this matters is that when I'm studying, often it will take a while for each question to load. So if there are very rudimentary questions that I already know that I have to wait to load (particularly if they have images), it slows me down. I'd much rather focus on the unknown material than the stuff that I've known since I was 12.
I think it'd be great if you listed every subsection in an entire subject on one page with the checkboxes. I.e., you click on biology, you can go ahead and go through the sections like normal, but there's a link at the bottom that says "select individual questions." They'd be ordered exactly as they are now, except that it would show all 800 plus questions, you could select the ones you want, then click next. It'd also be great because often there are five or ten questions from a subsection that I haven't mastered, but it's a pain to wade through the other 70 questions to get just those. I'd rather get the five from the first subsection, the five from the second, and the five from the last and focus on those rather than all 800 questions at once.
I'm not a programmer, but having worked in customer support for a computer company for over a year with databases and all, it sounds feasible to me.
Taking 1st CLEP on Wedesday!!! |
Posted by: rjc311 - 03-13-2006, 04:24 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion
- Replies (7)
Thanks to this website I am discovering a whole new set of options when it comes to my degree path. You are all awesome!!! Thanks for your help!
I called my school today and they told me what to do to register for my first CLEP. Tomorrow I am going there to turn in the application and schedule my test date for this wednesday. I'll be taking the Info. Sys/Comp. Applications CLEP. I have been through the flashcards a few times and just downloaded the "official" CLEP study guide. I got 42 out of the 55 practice questions correct and with another few hours of studying I know I will do fine. You all agree?
One question--Does anyone know if the comprehensive Official CLEP Study Guide offers the same practice questions as the individual course study guides? It is $25 and it says it contains sample questions for all 35 tests but I wonder if it offers fewer of these sample questions...