This is from Lawrie Miller, creator of http://www.bain4weeks.com:
My name is Lawrie Miller, and I'm author of BA in 4 Weeks, the guide to earning a degree by examination. I earned two bachelor degrees largely by testing out, encompassing forty proficiency exams for a total of 190 semester hours credit. I note that 92.6% of all credit hours appearing in my University of the State of New York/Regents College transcripts were awarded for passing proficiency exams (Regents is now Excelsior College).
Skeptics have suggested that earning a degree by examination is impossible without monumental effort, and even then, could only be accomplished by a gifted few. Frankly, this is nonsense. I did it, and no one has ever accused me of being gifted. I think it likely that whatever I can do, you can do too, plus or minus a bit.
Many have relied in whole or in part on the methods and techniques delineated in BA in 4 Weeks to earn their degree. One effect of this is that you will see remarkably similar book recommendations and lists from the contributors here, related to testing out in CLEP, DANTES (DSST), ECE (formerly ACT/PEP), and GRE advanced subject exams. Everyone will benefit from purchase of the official practice exams published by the various exam providers but is also the case that the free practice exams offered by the same providers, can often substitute for their commercial wares.
Depending upon your chosen exam(s), buy the CLEP Official Guide from the College Board, the Princeton Review's, Cracking the CLEP, the DANTES (DSST) guide, and/or, if your contemplating tackling certain GRE subject exams, Princeton Review's, Cracking the GRE in, Biology, Literature, or Psychology, as and if applicable. There is also the official ETS, 'Practicing to take', series, which comprises past test papers for the various GRE subject exams. I think these are out of print now, but there seem to be a number of used examples for sale on amazon.com.
Adequate (in my opinion) free practice exam materials are available for the ECE exams, the GRE subject exams, and perhaps, the DANTES (DSST) free exam fact sheets. You can find these at the exam providers website. I provide the links to these in bain4weeks.com, but you can find them yourself by sniffing around the providers home pages.
With respect to study materials (as distinct from practice exams), I recommend you use the most concise, simplest, and cheapest, texts that are adequate to the task. When I first proposed that the quick-study Cliffs Notes primers were often wholly sufficient, more than a few eyebrows were raise among the cognoscente in academe. Yet, these quick and cheap reads, have proved sufficient again and again, for learner after learner, and they will likely serve you just as well.
As noted, many have used the book listings in BA in 4 weeks, and this is reflected in some of the reviews you will find here. However, most all the books appearing in the original lists where those already in my library at home, or those readily obtained during a quick stop at my local bookshop. The truth is that unlike the practice exam materials detailed earlier, study materials, can, for the most part be easily replaced by any similar text. That is to say, where a survey work of some discipline is recommended, it is generally interchangeable with any other survey work in the subject. I often get email from the concerned student who cannot locate a copy of this or that recommended primer. Almost always, there are several adequate substitutes. There is no magic bullet. You can't find Barrons EZ-101 Psychology? No problem, use Psychology for Dummies, or any other basic survey text. HarperCollins College Outline 'Introduction to Government', out of print? No worries, substitute Cliffs Quick Review American Government. . . . and on.
Whether your looking to complete a traditional course, pass a proficiency exam, or even earn an entire degree by testing out, good luck and best wishes for your success. Lawrie Miller, bain4weeks.com
Since instantcert covers almost all of the Dantes and CLEP exams I will provide her recommended book list for the ECE exams only below:
Abnormal Psychology
HarperCollins College Outline Abnormal Psychology*
*Her review of the above text from Amazon:
First class thumbnail of this sub-discipline. With only a freshman's academic background in general psychology, augmented I guess, by Life's experience, I found this text sufficient preparation for the ECE (formerly ACT/PEP) upper division Abnormal Psychology exam. The content and concepts delineated are made readily accessible by smart organization and lucid prose. A pleasure to read and an easy study for both learner and layman. It helped me to an "A" and three credit hours toward my degree.
Ethics Theory and Practice*
Harper Collins College Outline Ethics
*The following input came from the creator of 123collegedegree.com:
This one is similar to the DSST version, in that only about a 1/3 of testing the theories, and 2/3s of application of the theories. You can pass this if you use the DSST Ethics in America study guide. (I got a "B" on it using ONLY this study guide) But it is not complete. You may be able to get an "A" if you guess well enough. Take this one the same day as the DSST version. Some of the concepts you may want to home in on include:
- utilitarianism (the underlying principles was MOST important for the whole test, but knowing "spin-offs" from Mills or Bentham (sp?) also helps)
- Kantianism and his categorial imperative
- Aquinas and the double-effect
- Aristotle and principles of virtue
- Epicurus and hedonism
- consequentialism vs deontologial morals
- autonomy
- divine command theory and moral objectivism
- social contract (Hobbes)
Fundamentals of Gerontology
Princeton Review Cracking GRE Psychology
Labor Relations
1. Fed&State Labor Laws free on the WWW
2. Barrons Business Library Human Resource Management
Lifespan Developmental Psychology
Princeton Review Cracking GRE Psychology
Organizational Behavior*
1. Barrons Business Library Human Resource Management
2. Business Psychology and Organisational Behaviour: A Student's Handbook -buy this one if you're struggling.
*The following input came from the creator of 123collegedegree.com:
The instantcert DSST Organizational Behavior guide is perfect for this one as well. I took both versions the same day, but Excelsior will only accept one (they duplicate each other). Since the ECE version was upper level, it counted towards the 12 credits of upper level business electives*** I got an "A" on the ECE version, and a 59 (A) on the DSST version.
Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
Princeton Review Cracking GRE Psychology
English Composition
Suggest buying the Excelsior College ECE English primer if you have doubts
Business Policy and Strategy
Strategic Management and Business Policy - Wheelan. Great buy!
Human Resource Management*
Barrons Business Library Human Resource Management
*The following input came from the creator of 123collegedegree.com:
Very general concepts covered. This was probably the second easiest upper-level credit I've ever earned. You don't even need to study for this exam. After taking all the other exams that you've taken up to this point, you should be aware of what Human Resources is all about. Just remember to usually choose the answer that will benefit the most amount of people, not necessarily make the company more profits. I did buy the recommended textbook (before instantcert came out with their guide). I briefly skimmed over the first 70 pages or so.
Research Methods in Psychology
Princeton Review Cracking GRE Psychology
World Population
1. The www CIA World Fact Book is a great free resource â use it
2. Population Matters: Demographic Change, Economic Growth, and Poverty in the Developing World This volume may prove useful if struggling.