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  ACLAS: Is this even legal?
Posted by: asianphd - 11-28-2024, 01:52 AM - Forum: Graduate School Discussion - Replies (112)

Has anyone had experience with or knowledge about the Atlanta College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (ACLAS)? I've found some concerning information I want to share:

Key points about this institution:

  • Claims to be based in Atlanta, Georgia
  • Offers online MBA, MCS, and DBA programs
  • Only has CPD (Continuing Professional Development) recognition, NO formal academic accreditation
  • Currently appears on the Georgia Nonpublic Education Commission (GNPEC) consumer alerts page
I'm curious about two things:
  1. What's the business model here - how do they sustain operations without accreditation?
  2. Are there any regulatory/legal implications for operating this way in Georgia?
If anyone has insights about similar institutions or relevant regulations in Georgia, I'd appreciate learning more.

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  ASU Universal Learner Math Weekly Courses Now NON-PROCTORED !
Posted by: Captainrekt000 - 11-27-2024, 07:05 PM - Forum: General Education-Related Discussion - Replies (14)

Update: Weekly versions of courses are now non-proctored, on-demand versions of the courses proctored. See the most recent information towards the bottom of this thread.

I've been procrastinating College Algebra, Precalc, Calc I from ASU because of the proctored midterm and final exams. 

I took a look at the syllabi for these courses and found out that the courses were recently updated to non-proctored exams! 


I already took these courses on Sophia but I'd rather have RA graded credits for future grad school applications (MAT142 - College Mathematic is still proctored) 

The following math courses are now non-proctored!! They are self paced and enroll anytime. Can be finished as fast as possible. You pay $25 to start. Then pay $400 to get it transcripted. So $142/credit total for a 3 credit course or $107/credit for a 4 credit course.  If you get a B (89.49%) or lower, you can unenroll, pay $25 again, and redo the entire course without getting a W on your transcript. 

IF finished before 6 weeks, one must wait a total of 6 weeks from the start date to pay $400 to transcript it. I was able to finish college algebra and precalc in just a few days and have to wait another 5-6 weeks before transcripting. I'm working on Business calc now! 

- MAT117 - College Algebra (3) - $425

- MAT170 - Precalculus (3) - $425 

- MAT210 - Business Calculus (3) - $425 

- MAT265 - Calculus for Engineers I (3) - $425 

- STP226 - Elements of Statistics (3) - $425 

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  I plan to apply for a master's degree in Computer Science in the US
Posted by: Thermor1993 - 11-27-2024, 02:57 AM - Forum: Saylor.org, Straighterline, Study.com, OnlineDegree.com, Sophia.Org Discussion - Replies (3)

I am an international student and am thrilled to have found this forum, which is filled with invaluable information and supportive members.

I plan to apply for a master's degree in Computer Science in the US, without having a bachelor's degree in computer science. I've noticed that some universities require applicants like my case to complete specific courses beforehand, such as Data Structures and Linear Algebra, and to submit transcripts with grades. I'm curious if courses taken from learning platforms like Sophia or Saylor are recognized by most universities. Are they potentially a better choice than Coursera, given that they come with ACE-recommended credits?

Additionally, since some institutions prefer applicants to have completed courses from a recognized university, would it be acceptable if I transferred credits earned from Sophia to a school like TESU or WGU? I'm uncertain if these schools would retain the original grades on the transcript.

I'm also trying to determine the most affordable and effective path.

I've reached out to one of the universities for clarification but am yet to receive a response. I'm eager to start the necessary courses, which is why I'm seeking guidance here.
I truly appreciate insights from anyone who has navigated a similar path. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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  How to Avoid Getting BANNED by Amazon
Posted by: LevelUP - 11-27-2024, 12:44 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

This has started to happen a lot more lately. 

How to Avoid Getting BANNED by Amazon


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  Men Only Want One Thing. And It’s Not Money, Its’ Not Power, It’s Not Love
Posted by: LevelUP - 11-27-2024, 12:09 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Men Only Want One Thing. And It’s Not Money, Its’ Not Power, It’s Not Love


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Exclamation ECON Undergrad Credits (plz help)
Posted by: Miggies - 11-26-2024, 01:28 AM - Forum: Degree Planning Advice - Replies (3)

I am a student at Penn State majoring in Finance, and I'd like to pursue a double major in Economics. For me to be able to do that and still graduate on time, I need to find some transferrable 300 or 400 level (UD) Econ credit. Doesn't have to be a direct course equivalent, it just needs to be at least at the 300 (upper) level. 

Does anybody know of a college/university that offers a good price for online ECON credit that has courses which could potentionally transfer at that 300 level. 

I can basically get any course evaluated before I've taken it relatively fast; I will literally get a shit ton of courses evaluated and then figure out what I I'll take, so if anyone has any ideas lmk. Penn state also has an awesome transfer credit tool so I can check instantly if it has been evaluated before 

I've been searching for weeks and the best thing I've found so far is LSU's Online program, I can take a Money & Banking class for $866, but that's a lot of money and I'd preferably like to pay less then that. If I can find courses around the $500 mark I would be so happy.

Thank you sm ?

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  Anything similar to TECEP?
Posted by: Miggies - 11-26-2024, 01:03 AM - Forum: CLEP, DSST, and TECEP Exam Discussion. Also Modern States and InstantCert. - Replies (2)

Anybody know if any other colleges other than TESU have a credit-by-exam similar to the TECEP exams? Maybe one with a larger course selection? Or even better, if anybody knows of a college that allows you to request an exam to recieve (transferrable) credit for a course.

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  No one at Pierpont is responding - sadly
Posted by: any4yeardegree - 11-25-2024, 06:17 PM - Forum: Associates Degrees Discussion - Replies (48)


I'm trying my best not to overwhelm Pierpont employees.  I must say when Nancy Parks was in charge of the program, she answered my questions.  I'm frustrated and disappointed that they can't at least post a FAQ or automated response with with a FAQ.

My daughter just finished her last class, we think.   She submitted her transcripts from both ASU two weeks ago and Sophia today.  

ROAR is showing nothing in terms of her credits, however, it is showing a Hold on her account with a balance of $350 but I don't know if I should pay it or not because I don't know if they will accept the last two transcripts and I can't find a way to actually pay the darned bill.

We called Accounts Payable on October 4th but we were told to wait until we have more information.  

Now, we cannot get any information from anyone, at this point.  The registrar won't answer her emails.  The finance person, who was very helpful when I went through this two years, won't call me back.  I can't a payment because it's got a HOLD and now we're in a loop and I'm getting very frustrated. 

She's included Dave Beighly (sorry if there's a misspelling) in the emails and he is not responding, either!!

I know they are overwhelmed but they could save themselves so much time by putting a simple FAQ on their website saying transcripts are accepted through date mm/dd/yy for the December graduating class for the BOG program.

If you can't pay online, contact <whomever> and that person actually returns your call, after you've said you can't pay online due to a hold.

So, yes... I'm ranting!  Sorry!

Anyone know when Pierpont will accept the last transcript?  

Who to contact to see if my kid has enough credits - I think she does but we'd like to know for sure?

How to pay when there's a hold on your account?

If we pay and they won't let her graduate, can we get a refund?

Thank you!

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  Straighterline lab resubmissions
Posted by: introthrive - 11-25-2024, 02:04 PM - Forum: Saylor.org, Straighterline, Study.com, OnlineDegree.com, Sophia.Org Discussion - No Replies

I had my first lab submission and resubmission rejected and I"m extremely pissed off. I've submitted 4 other labs with no issues, all using the camera on my phone. For this one, the first reviewer said he couldn't see my measurements. Okay, I re-setup the lab and took better pictures with more close ups. The second reviewer said it was too blurry "and might not be authentic". WTF.

In no way did either one tell me what I needed to fix in the pictures. I can't resubmit again. I reached out to Straighterline to vent my frustration.

Has anyone else ran into this? Did you figure out a way to solve it? I'm taking all this time to do the labs, and for them to reject it and give me a 0 because I have blurry photos (I can see the readings on the picture!!!) really pisses me off.

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  why is Sophia showing class completed in 2023 as Unofficial on transcript
Posted by: any4yeardegree - 11-24-2024, 08:28 PM - Forum: Saylor.org, Straighterline, Study.com, OnlineDegree.com, Sophia.Org Discussion - Replies (1)

Hi all,

My daughter downloaded her transcript from Credly recently and noticed it is showing Environmental Science from Sophia but does show the number of credits or that she passed it.  She finished it 2023.  

When she clicks on the class, it states:  "You have successfully completed the course and the transcript is now certified."

She needs this class to graduate in December. 

Has this happened to you and how did you solve it? 

Thank you!

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